June 23, 2025

Maastricht Microscopy Meeting

The Maastricht team on Advanced Optical Microscopy is organizing the yearly international course week, entitled “Maastricht Microscopy Meeting – MMM, on the principles and applications of these techniques in biological and biomedical research".

The course is intended for PhD students and Postdocs that are working or planning to work with one of these techniques and wish to obtain a deeper understanding. A maximum number of 20 students is admitted. With a broad range of internal and external speakers and a vast number of optical techniques discussed, also this year we have created a very interesting program. Below you will find the link to the website (that we are updating, but the general info, including the program, is already on there). Also the info on how to subscribe for this course and who to contact is indicated on the website.

Please distribute this information within your network. We hope to see many of you in wonderful Maastricht.



September 26/27, 2024

GBM Compact Meeting: Focus on Imaging

The GBM Compact Meeting on Imaging will take place on September 26/27, 2024 in Frankfurt. The registration is open now (until end of June at reduced rates) and we already received many registrations. This 24 h meeting will bring together experienced users and beginners to hear and learn about latest developments in light and electron microscopy and image analysis – and to meet friends and colleagues in a compact and interactive format. Please register now!

Poster contributions are also very welcome (deadline: June 30).

We hope to see you all in Frankfurt,

Konstanze Winklhofer, Johannes Herrmann, Stefan Jakobs, Christian Münch

and the team of the GBM office

Recent developments in light and electron microscopy have revolutionized research in cell biology, structural biology and biophysics, resolving the spatiotemporal organization of biomolecules at the nanoscale and allowing the visualization of previously inaccessible macromolecular structures. This 24 hours conference will provide intriguing insights into cutting edge technological advances in super-resolution light microscopy and electron microscopy, including cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography, combined with examples of breakthrough discoveries made possible by these technologies.

Two integrated workshops will address basic and advanced issues important for the successful application of imaging techniques, such as optimal sample preparation, labeling strategies, image analysis and data management.

In addition, there will be short talks and poster flash talks selected from abstracts, a poster session and plenty of networking opportunities. A meeting of the Junior GBM will be held as a satellite event.

The conference is aimed at both experienced users and beginners wishing to discover the fascinating world of microscopy. Places in the auditorium are limited, so early registration is recommended.

For more information please see here: https://gbm-compact.org

June 3 – June 7, 2024

MMM Ph.D / Postdoc course Advanced Optical Microscopy 2024

The Maastricht advanced optical microscopy group in Maastricht organizes, already for the 21-st time, a 1-week course on advanced optical microscopy, MMM2024. Attached you will find the full program. You are invited to participate when you always wanted to know more about microscopic imaging.


The aim of this one-week course is to introduce, discuss, and experience the technologies and applications of various advanced optical microscopic techniques. Also, tissue and cell preparation protocols and immune-cytochemical procedures will be discussed. Finally, vital imaging and quantification of molecular processes in the cell will be explained and demonstrated.


For more information, complete program, and the subscription forms:

Registration Link


December  7th, 2023

Day of Open Door - Two-Photon Imaging Facility

We would like to invite interested researchers to participate in a session with short presentations and hands-on exercises.

The user presentations will give you an insight into how Multi-Photon Microscopy can help you gain more information from your project.

A Core Facility tour and hands-on sessions offer you a first insight into our services and imaging capabilities.


Seminar Room (Raum 304)

MOCA, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Anatomy

MTI-1, Wendlingweg 2, 52074 Aachen

Entrance near elevator D4, level -1 – Please ring at the door for access

Registration Link

November 8th, 2023

17:00 - 18:00h

New Core Facility for High Content Screening, IZKF Aachen

Jose L. Gerardo-Nava


Confocal Microscopy Facility - IZKF Aachen – New Zeiss LSM 980 with Airyscan 2

Gerhard Müller-Newen, Sabrina Ernst


Seminar Room (Raum 304)

MOCA, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Anatomy

MTI-1, Wendlingweg 2, 52074 Aachen

The zoom-link for online attendance will follow with the next reminder.

Please spread the word.

Interested people are welcome to join our email list.

September 6th, 2023

17:00 - 18:00h

Relaunch ALMA Meeting

At the restart meeting we would like to inform you about new developments and service offers at the RWTH in the field of light microscopy.

David Fleck

New core facility for 3D Superresolution (3DSR) RWTH Aachen - Cutting-edge microscopy methods (3D STED / FLIM)

Michael Vogt

Two-Photon Imaging Facility - IZKF Aachen - New Leica Stellaris 8 DIVE FALCON (MPLSM /FLIM)

Please spread the word.

Interested people are welcome to join our email list.


Seminar Room (Raum 304)

MOCA, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Anatomy

MTI-1, Wendlingweg 2, 52074 Aachen

Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 696 7360 6197

Passcode: 886578

June 12th - 16th, 2023

MMM Ph.D / Postdoc course Advanced Optical Microscopy 2023


The aim of this one-week course is to introduce, discuss, and experience the technologies and applications of various advanced optical microscopic techniques. Also, tissue and cell preparation protocols and immune-cytochemical procedures will be discussed. Finally, vital imaging and quantification of molecular processes in the cell will be explained and demonstrated.

Target group:

PhD students and Postdocs in the Life Sciences.


This course is composed of lectures, practical training, and demonstrations on the following topics:

· Basic microscopy

· Fluorescence (spectroscopic) microscopy

· Confocal laser scanning laser microscopy

· Introdution to sample preparation

· Tissue clearing

· Light sheet microscopy

· Super-resolution microscopy (with focus on STED)

· Expansion microscopy: the sample preparation method for resolution improvement

· ExSRRF: the easy way for resolution improvement

· Multiphoton laser scanning laser microscopy

· High-throughput microscopy

· 3D image restoration and image processing

· Raman microscopy

· Multiphoton Endosocopy


Theoretical lectures will be provided in the morning sessions, while practical training, demonstrations, and workshops are planned in the afternoon. You will have the opportunity to discuss your results or view your own microscopic preparations with experts in the field. After subscription you will be enrolled in CANVAS for further information.


At the start of the course students will receive by email an open question, dealing with a cell biological problem that should be solved by using microscopic techniques and proper preparation of the sample. Students may do this assignment individually or in small groups.

Min/Max students:

Maximum 20 participants


Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences,

Maastricht University Medical Center


Prof.dr. Marc van Zandvoort and Dr. Dimitris Kapsokalyvas, Dep. Of Genetics and Cell Biology

Maastricht University Medical Center, PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht,

tel: +31 43 3881998, mamj.vanzandvoort@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Registration course:

Secretary / Erika Bemelmans  /

Registration fee:

€ 200


For more information, complete program, and the subscription forms, please go to https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/research/genetics-and-cell-biology/advanced-optical-microscopy-disease/course


April 10th - 13th, 2022


Porto, Portugal


35th International Conference on 3D Image Processing in Microscopy

34th International Conference on Confocal Microscopy


Dear Colleagues,

Abstracts for oral and poster presentations can now be submitted through the conference website: www.FocusOnMicroscopy.org.

Deadline for abstract submission: Tuesday, January 25, 2022.

After the successful FOM2021 online conference earlier this year, it is a pleasure to announce FOM2022: the next in a series of unique interdisciplinary meetings on advanced and multi-dimensional light microscopy and image processing. We are optimistic that the COVID-19 situation will again allow an in-person meeting. The FOM2022 conference takes place in the historic city centre of Porto, by the Douro River at the

Centro de Congressos da Alfândega do Porto (www.ccalfandegaporto.com/en/)

The Porto conference will start on Sunday morning April 10 with tutorials, followed by parallel sessions, Flash poster presentations and a plenary opening session with invited speakers at the end of the afternoon. The first day will be closed with a welcome reception.

If you wish to be kept informed on updates, please leave your email address here. A more detailed announcement will be sent early next year.

FOM2022 continues a long-standing (since 1988), yearly conference series on the latest innovations and developments in (optical) microscopy and their application in biology, medicine, and the material sciences. FOM is committed to advancing microscopy research and meeting the needs of participants by providing opportunities for sharing work and connecting scientists with the global scientific community.

Key topics include:

• Theory and practice of confocal and multiphoton-excitation microscopy

• Super-resolution, nanoscopy imaging: from PSF engineering (4pi, SIM, STED), fluorescent activation/quenching, 

             stochastic/centroid (PALM, STORM, GSDIM, SOFI and related techniques) to TIRF

• 3D and 4D live cell and tissue imaging

• Adaptive optics for microscopy

• Light sheet microscopy

• Phase/interference based microscopies

• OCT, holographic, endoscopy

• Advanced fluorescence imaging/spectroscopy: FRET, FRAP, FLIM, FCS, SOFI

• New fluorescence probes, proteins, quantum dots, single molecule imaging

• Clearing and expansion techniques.

• Coherent non-linear microscopies: SHG, THG, SFG, CARS.

• Multi-dimensional fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy imaging

• Correlated light/electron microscopy

• Laser manipulation and tracking, photo-activation

• OCT, endoscopy

• Fast acquisition, automated and high-content microscopy

• 3D image processing and visualization for multidimensional data

Abstracts for contributions are invited and can be submitted starting Sunday October 24 through our website: www.FocusOnMicroscopy.org where further information on the present and previous FOM conferences can be found.

Important dates:

Deadline for the submission of abstracts Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Acceptance of abstracts, program on the web   Thursday, February 17, 2022

Deadline for early registration Thursday, March 10, 2022

FOM2022 Conference  Sunday, April 10 - April 13, 2022

Easter Sunday 2022 April 17, 2022

Welcoming you to the Porto FOM2022 conference and exhibition,

the FOM2022 organizers:

• Paula Sampaio, IBMC/i3S, University of Porto, Portugal

• Hans Gerritsen, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

• Fred Brakenhoff, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

E-mail: info2022@FocusOnMicroscopy.org
Web: http://www.FocusOnMicroscopy.org



June 7th - 11th, 2021

Ph.D / Postdoc course Advanced Optical Microscopy 2021

Monday 7th June – Friday 11th June, 2021

Costs for this 1 week course are 200 Euro, please contact Erika Bemelmans.

For more information and the registration visit the website (including the registration form).

and the

Maastricht Microscopy Meeting (M3) 2021 on Advanced Optical Microscopy


Friday, 11th June, 2021

Non-course participants can also take part in the MMM2021 symposium alone (see the website above). Participation is free, but please do register if you want to participate by sending a mail to Erika Bemelmans.



November 16th, 2021

IMARIS Virtual Workshop - 3D visualization & analysis techniques in IMARIS

Host: IZKF Aachen Core Facility  „Two-Photon Imaging“

Presented by: Dr. Guergana Dontcheva



To reserve a seat for the Hands-on sessions and/or slot for the IMARIS Clinic, please register here.

This event has a limited number of seats. Registration closes on the 12th of November.







December 12th, 2020

09.00 - 19.00 h

Microscopic and in vivo Imaging

Tatsuya Mizukoshi, Ute Habel, Dorit Merhof,

Shinae Kondoh, Fabian Kiessling,

Registration via ZOOM

March 4th, 2020

17.00 - 18.00 h

Study of mitotic progression using flexible microscope solutions

Daniel Moreno-Andres

Uniklinik RWTH Aachen,

MTI 2, Room 038, “Alte Werkstatt”

Wendlingweg 2, 52074 Aachen






December 13th, 2019

15.00 - 17.00 h

4th workshop of the Aachen CenTer for biomedical Image analysis, Visualization and Exploration (ACTIVE)

Matthias Daub, Long Chen, Martin Strauch, Daniel Moreno-Andrés, Dennis Eschweiler

Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, ICT Cubes,

Kopernikusstraße 16,

Room 002


19th-20th, 2019

ZEISS On Your Campus Workshop -

Next Generation Multiplex Confocal Imaging and 4D Analysis

Organized by the ALMA community & Zeiss

Frank Josten, Hubert Bauch, Sven Laarmann, Agnes von Keller, Maxilmilian Gorelashvili

Uniklinik RWTH Aachen,

MTI 2, Room 038, “Alte Werkstatt”

Wendlingweg 2, 52074 Aachen

November 7th, 2019

RTG 2416 MultiSenses-MultiScales Seminar Series: Nanoscale brain matters

Prof. Dr. Valentin Nägerl

Institut Interdisciplinaire de Neurosciences (IINS), Université de Bordeaux

Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Room 1.011

2. Sammelbau Biologie, Campus Melaten-Süd

September 4th, 2019

17.00 h

Light in collagen morphomechanics:

multimodal optical microscopy

Riccardo Cicchi

National Institute of Optics - National Research Council (INO-CNR), European Laboratory for Non-linear Spectroscopy (LENS), Fiorentino, Italy


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1, Wendlingweg 2

June 21st, 2019

17.00 h

PhD/Postdoc course - Advanced Optical Microscopy”

preceding the MMM symposium

Closer information in the attached PDF or on the website

Marc van Zandvoort

D. Gambarotto, D. Unnersjö-Jess, K. Koenig, V. Nägerl, D. Kapsokalyvas, S. Ellenbroek

Maastricht University

Medical Center

Greepzaal, level 4, azM

June 17th-20th, 2019

17.00 h

10th Maastricht Microscopy Meeting on Advanced Optical Microscopy

Marc van Zandvoort

D. Gambarotto, D. Unnersjö-Jess, K. Koenig, V. Nägerl, D. Kapsokalyvas, S. Ellenbroek

Maastricht University

Medical Center

Greepzaal, level 4, azM

June 5th, 2019

17.00 h

Optical Clearing and Imaging of Murine Tissue

Turgay Saritas

Division of Nephrology and Clinical Immunology,

RWTH Aachen University


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1, Wendlingweg 2

April 3rd, 2019

17.00 h

Digital Holographic Microscopy

Yashoda Chandorkar

DWI Leibniz-Institut für Interaktive Materialien - Advanced Materials for Biomedicine, RWTH Aachen University


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1, Wendlingweg 2

February 6th, 2019

17.00 h

Measuring Forces in Cell Monolyaers

Jacopo di Russo

Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research, RWTH Aachen University


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1, Wendlingweg 2






December 5th, 2018

17.00 h

Automated Microscopy Image Analysis with Convolutional Neural Networks

Johannes Stegmaier

Institute of Imaging & Computer Vision

RWTH Aachen University


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1,

Wendlingweg 2

December 4th, 2018

17.00 h

3rd workshop of the Aachen CenTer for biomedical Image analysis, Visualization and Exploration

Dorit Merhof, Martin Strauch, Reinhard Windoffer, Johannes Stegmaier, Peter Boor

Uniklinik RWTH Aachen,

MTI 2, Room 038, “Alte Werkstatt”

Wendlingweg 2, 52074 Aachen

November 7th, 2018

17.00 h

Isotropic resolution in two-photon microscopy

Dimitris Kapsokalyvas

Institute for Molecular Cardiovascular Research (IMCAR), RWTH Aachen University


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1,

Wendlingweg 2

September 12th, 2018

17.00 h

In Vivo 2-Photon Imaging

Markus Rothermel

Institute for Biology II - AG Neuromodulation


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1,

Wendlingweg 2

June 15th, 2018

09.30 h - 16.45 h

Maastricht Microscopy Meeting (M3) on Advanced Optical Microscopy

Marc van Zandvoort

L. van Huizen, R. Megens, V. Puelles,

U. Schwarz, D. Stegner, A. Roebroeck

Greepzaal, level 4, azM Maastricht University, Medical Center

P. Debyelaan 25, Maastricht

May 9th, 2018

17.00 h

Light microscopy in chemosensory Research Lecture on advanced Microscopy

Marc Spehr

Institute for Biology II / Dept. Chemosensation


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1,

Wendlingweg 2

April 4th, 2018

17.00 h

TIRF and FRAP microscopy: principles and applications

Lecture on advanced Microscopy

Antonio Sechi

Institute for Biomedical Engineering,

Department of Cell Biology


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1,

Wendlingweg 2






December 6th, 2017

17.00 h

Live cell imaging for studying chromatin Features during mitotic Exit Lecture on advanced Microscopy

Dani Moreno

Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1,

Wendlingweg 2

November 8th, 2017

17.00 h

Intravital imaging of solid organ inflammation – a multi-organ Approach Lecture on advanced Microscopy

Felix Heymann

Klinik für Gastroenterologie, Stoffwechselerkrankungen und Internistische Intensivmedizin


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1,

Wendlingweg 2

October 4th, 2017

17.00 h

Intravital imaging of solid organ inflammation – a multi-organ Approach Lecture on advanced Microscopy

Victor Puelles, MD PhD

(AG Dr. M. Möller), Medizinische Klinik II


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1,

Wendlingweg 2

September 20th, 2017

9.30-11.00 h

Imaris: Extract more from your Images Seminar about image processing with the software "Imaris 9.0"

Erik von Stedingk (PhD),

Regional Sales Executive Bitplane

Seminar room, Institute for Laboratory Animal Science

University hospital RWTH Aachen, Pauwelsstr. 30, 52074 Aachen

June 16th, 2017

9.30-17.00 h

Maastricht Microscopy Meeting (M3) on advanced Optical Microscopy

Maastricht Microscopy Meeting (MMM)

M. van Zandvoort, C. Tischler, K. Willig, M. Huynh, L. Ritsma, J. Widengren,

J. Klumperman

Maastricht University

Medical Center

Greepzaal, level 4, azM

June 7th, 2017

17.00 h

2 Photon Microscopy Lecture on advanced Microscopy

Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marc van Zandvoort, Dr. rer. nat. Michael Vogt


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1,

Wendlingweg 2

April 5th,  2017

17.00 h

Live cell imaging of preimplantation Embryos Lecture on advanced Microscopy

Dr. rer. nat. Nicole Schwarz


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1,

Wendlingweg 2

February 7th, 2017

17.00 h

Super-Resolution Microscopy - available soon! Lecture on advanced Microscopy

Gerhard Müller-Newen

Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1,

Wendlingweg 2

January 25th, 2017

17.00 h

Kick Off Meeting


Seminar Room 304, MTI 1,

Wendlingweg 2